Basic Play
Take out the enemies that stand in your way as you explore 20 areas in 7 fantastic worlds.

Throw vegetables or other enemies at your foes to defeat them. You can also take out enemies with certain items or by throwing them into a pit. If you make contact with an enemy from the side or below, you will lose a mark from your life meter. When you have only one mark, your character will shrink.

The Game Over Screen
You start the game with three lives. When your life meter is empty or you fall into a pit, you lose one life. When you lose a life with no lives remaining, you are taken to the game over screen and presented with the following options:

Continue Resume play from the first area of the last world you managed to reach before your game ended. You can only continue a game twice.
Retry Return to the title screen.
Moving to the Next World
There is a gate at the end of each level that leads to the next level. An area's gate will only open once you’ve found the crystal ball hidden somewhere in the area.