Character Abilities
Each character has different characteristics and abilities. Learn when to make use of each character’s strong points.


Mario has an average jump. When carrying an item, Mario suffers only a minor reduction to his speed and jump height.

Luigi can leap higher than any other character, but he descends slowly from his jumps. When carrying an item, Luigi’s jump height is reduced a great deal more than Mario’s.

Toad has the shortest jump height of all the characters, but he makes up for it with his strength. Carrying an item does not affect Toad’s speed or jump height.

Princess Toadstool
Princess Toadstool has the unique ability to float in the air for a moment when you hold down . Her jump is greatly reduced when she’s holding an item.

Running / Pulling Up / Picking Up
Each character moves at the same speed while unburdened, but when carrying an item each character’s speed is affected differently. The speed for each character is ranked below. This same table also reflects the speed at which a character can pick up an enemy or pull up an item.