Items and Barrels

  Banana Bunch Coins
Use these coins when you want to get hints and advice.
These coins are hidden in each Bonus Level. Use them to travel to unknown lands.
DK Coins
There are 40 of these hidden in the game. Collect them all to prove to Cranky Kong that you are a true DK Hero!

Collect 100 to earn an extra life. There are ten bananas in a bunch.
Animal Crates
Break these crates to release the animal drawn on the crate.
Extra Life
Grab these balloons to earn extra lives. Different colours give you different numbers of lives.

KONG Letters
Collect all four letters,
K-O-N-G, in one stage to earn an extra life.


DK Barrel
If you lose either Diddy or Dixie, break these barrels to make them reappear.

Star Barrel
Break these barrels to create a checkpoint, allowing you to restart your game from that point if you lose a life later in the level.

TNT Barrel
These barrels will explode on impact.
Barrel Kannons
Jump in these barrels to get fired across long distances. There are many different types of Barrel Kannons.
Exclamation Point Barrel
Break these barrels to gain temporary invincibility.
Bonus Barrel
Jump into one of these and get sent to a bonus stage!
Diddy and Dixie Barrel
Some Barrel Kannons are usable only by a certain character.