The Dragon’s Tear was given to Ryu by his mother, and is something that he holds very dear. When you enter the STATS, the Dragon’s Tear colour displays the general nature of the selected character. When speaking to one of the main characters of the game, the Dragon’s Tear appears in the conversation window. In this case its colour changes depending on the leading character’s nature and on the disposition of spirit of the person he/she is speaking to. Look for the following colours when the Dragon’s Tear appears.
Black (Malice)
The person has terribly evil intentions.
Dark Red (Animosity)
This person truly dislikes you, and is probably ready to battle.
Red (Distrust and suspicion)
This person cannot be trusted, and distrusts you as well.
Orange (Neutral)
This person has no opinion of you.
Yellow (Understanding)
This person is generally good natured.
Green-Yellow (Sympathy)
This person supports you.
Dark Green (Good will and cooperation)
This person truly likes you, and will support you wholeheartedly.
Blue (Loyalty)
This person will lay down his or her life for you.