At the beginning of the game, you can use two types of weapons: the Vulcan and the Punch. Use weapons suitable for each stage or situation. Each weapon can be levelled up with a set number of Power Chips to a maximum level of three. However, note that this applies only to the weapon equipped at the time that the power chip is acquired. Be sure to switch to the weapon you want to level up when acquiring Power Chips.
Vulcan Fires shots in the direction you are aiming. The Weapon Meter shows the number of remaining shots. You cannot fire if the meter runs out, but the meter will recover automatically after a short time. Punch Its range is short, but it packs a lot of firepower. The Weapon Meter shows the amount of energy (punch power). Using continuous punches reduces the power of each successive punch. Once depleted, the meter will recover automatically. Missile Launches powerful but slow missiles. The Weapon Meter shows the number of remaining missiles. You run out of missiles if the meter runs out. You must complete the stage to be restocked with missiles. Laser Shoots directly through targets. The attack power is low, but continued fire can inflict massive damage. The Weapon Meter shows the amount of energy. You cannot fire if the meter runs out, but the laser will recover automatically after a set time. |