Vs Game Mode
This is a new and exciting game that pits Player 1 (left side) against Player 2 (right side). Select VS GAME MODE on the title screen to display the vs game mode selection screen. On the Player 1 side, select the number of points in the match and press or to confirm. On the handicap selection screen, you can change the settings for each player’s LEVEL (HARD, NORMAL or EASY) and the STOCK of remaining cannons (1-5 or INFINITY). Once the 1P and 2P settings have been decided, press or on both controllers to start the game.

Multiplayer Rules
The first person to eliminate all of the space invaders wins the game. If you are captured or run out of cannons, you lose. If you set the cannons to INFINITY on the handicap selection screen, the number of remaining cannons is not depleted when you lose one, but if your position is captured, you lose the game.

If you eliminate one horizontal line of space invaders, a line of space invaders will appear at the top of your opponent’s screen.
If you eliminate a UFO, your space invaders will be swapped with the other player’s.

Coloured Space Invaders
Various things happened when coloured space invaders are eliminated.
One horizontal row of space invaders will disappear.
Both players’ space invaders will drop down two rows.
Your opponent’s space invaders will drop down one row.
Your space invaders will drop down one row.
One of the other coloured space invader effects will occur at random.