
Other Controls
Spin Bonk Press repeatedly in mid-air to make Bonk spin like a top, slowing his descent.
Swim Use to swim freely underwater.
Climb Press repeatedly while clinging to a wall to climb it.
Tree/Pole Climb Grab on to a tree, then use ⇧/⇩ to climb it, or ⇦/⇨ to switch sides.
Wall Jump Jump at a wall and press to bounce off it in the opposite direction.
Revolver Press ⇧/⇩ + to chomp and grab on to a horizontal branch/pole. Bonk will begin spinning. Press repeatedly to spin faster, and press to let go.
Waterfall Climb To climb a waterfall, press ⇧ + to jump into it, then press repeatedly.
Special Ability Press when you are Little Bonk or Huge Bonk to use a special ability.

Note: You need Smileys to perform Huge Bonk’s special ability.
Fly When Bonk picks up a Flower Seed, you can use to fly around.