Each character has a super gauge which can be filled up to three levels. You can charge the super gauge by attacking and giving / taking damage. When it fills up, you can unleash an array of moves, like Super Combos, Custom Combos and Alpha Counters!
Each character has multiple Super Combos, all of which have three different levels. The higher the level, the more damage inflicted by the Super Combo, but it will drain more energy from your super gauge. The level of your Super Combo is determined by the number of punch / kick buttons pressed.
For example, to use Sakura’s Shinku-hadoken, you must press
+ any punch button. To use the level 2 version, you must use two punch buttons. This requires a level 2 super gauge, and will deplete two full levels.
When the Super Combo gauge reaches level 1 or higher, press two punch buttons and a kick button or two kick buttons and a punch button simultaneously. You will then move at super speed and can chain together damaging combos!
The Custom Combo Timer will appear above the super gauge. The higher your super gauge is when you unleash the Custom Combo, the more time you will have to execute the combo. When the timer runs out or you get hit, the Custom Combo will end.
After a successful block, press
+ any punch or kick button to counter your opponent’s attack. You must have filled up at least one level of your super gauge to use this.