This game is divided into side-scrolling and vehicle levels. Side-scrolling levels put you in the shoes of one of the game’s heroes, while vehicle levels put you in the pilot seat of a snowspeeder, an X-Wing or the Millennium Falcon.
In side-scrolling levels, your aim is to fight your way through the hordes of creatures and enemy forces. Certain levels have a boss to defeat at the end. Defeat the boss to move on to the next level.
In vehicle levels, you must pilot your vehicle skilfully through various obstacles while shooting down enemy craft. Defeat enough enemies and you will move on to the next level.
In both types of levels, your hero or craft will have a certain amount of health and lives. Collect items along your way to restore health, gain extra lives, boost your weapon’s power and restore Luke’s Force power!
If all of your lives run out, the game over screen will be displayed. Select TRY AGAIN to start again on the same level, or select GAME OVER to end your game and return to the main menu.
Note: You have a limited amount of continues. If all of those run out, you cannot continue and must press to return to the main menu.
If you have scored a high score, you will be prompted to enter your name before returning to the main menu.