Double Jump: Press and hold ( for Classic Controller) to jump, and press it again when Shinobi reaches the highest point.
Shurikin Burst: Perform a Double Jump, then press ( for Classic Controller) while in mid-air to spray shurikins at surrounding enemies.
Death-Kick: Jump into the air, then simultaneously press in the direction of the enemy and ( for Classic Controller) when Shinobi reaches the highest point.
Spiderwalk: First, simultaneously press up and ( for Classic Controller) to grab the ceiling, rope, or cross beam, then press left or right to move in either direction. To get back on the ground, simultaneously press down and ( for Classic Controller).
Wall Kick: Jump toward a wall, then simultaneously press in the direction of the wall and ( for Classic Controller) to kick the wall to reach higher places.
Ninja Dash: Tap left or right twice in the same direction and hold.
Death Strike: Press ( for Classic Controller) during a Ninja Dash.
Defense Pose: Hold down ( for Classic Controller). Note that Shinobi is able to move while keeping his defense up.