Your character’s Techniques will vary. Characters who can learn additional Techniques will gain them as they increase in Level. Your character’s Technique Points (TP) will be consumed every time you use a Technique. If you need to replenish your party’s TP, go to a nearby Inn and rest.

Heal Techniques

- SAR/GISAR/NASAR: Restores some HP to all active humanoid characters.
- RES/GIRES/NARES: Restores some HP to one active humanoid character.
- ANTI: Cures one active humanoid character of poisoning.
- RIMPA: Cures one active humanoid character of paralysis.
- AROWS: Revives all active humanoid character that has been knocked unconscious.
- REVER: Revives one Near Death humanoid character and restores 1/4 of their HP.
- REGEN: Cures poisoning, paralysis, or unconsciousness and fully restores his/her HP. Note this only effects humanoid characters.

Battle Techniques

- FOI/GIFOI/NAFOI: Blasts the enemy with a bolt of flame.
- WAT/GIWAT/NAWAT: Damages the enemy with a frost attack.
- VOL/SAVOL: Eliminates one or all enemies by destroying its nervous system.
- TSU/GITHU/NATHU: Blasts the enemy with an arrow of light.
- ZAN/GIZAN/NAZAN: Suffocates enemies by producing whirlwinds.
- GRA/GIGRA/NAGRA: Crushes enemies with a powerful gravity wall.
- MEGID: Disintegrates the molecular structure of enemies.
- GELUN: Causes enemies to age quickly and reduces attack strength.
- DORAN: Slows down enemy reaction speed.
- BROSE: Damages the enemy by suddenly expanding its body mass.
- RIMIT: Knocks out the enemy cold by interfering with its nervous systems.
- SHIFT: Increases the physical attack strength of one active humanoid character.
- SANER: Increases reaction speed of all active characters.
- DEBAN: Produces a shield before all active characters, increasing their defense.
- SEALS: Stops the enemy from using their Techniques.

Travel Techniques

- RYUKA: Teleports your party to any previously visited city.
- HINUS: Teleports your party out of dangerous areas such as dungeons/labyrinths.

Combination Attacks

Two or more characters can join Techniques and Skills to form powerful Combination Attacks. For example, Hahn’s WAT Technique can be combined with Rune’s HEWN Skill to form BLIZZARD attack. Note that some Combination Attacks will require your party to use three or more Techniques/Skills in succession. Once you find the right order, remember it and store it as one of your Macro commands. Time will tell if you can find all 14 of the Combination Attacks.