Pairs of coloured Blobs will fall from the top of the screen one at a time. Press left or right on to move the Blobs left or right, rotate them by pressing , or . Press down on to make the Blobs fall faster. Connect four or more same-coloured Blobs to make the Blobs explode. Blobs do not have to be in a horizontal or vertical row to explode; they only need to be attached to each other.
Chain Reactions
Chain reactions occur when a group of Blobs explode, causing another group of Blobs to explode. When playing in COMPETITION and 1P VS. 2P Modes, chain reactions cause ghost traps to occur on your opponent's screen. The larger the chain reaction, the larger the ghost trap.
Ghost Traps
A ghost trap is caused when you or your opponent creates a chain reaction. Ghost traps drop ghosts on the playing field that can only be removed by causing nearby Blobs to explode. A ghost trap will not occur until the person receiving it attaches the Blobs they are currently controlling. Ghost icons will appear in the top-left of your screen and your opponent's screen to indicate the size of the ghost trap that will fall when their next pair of Blobs lands.
Game Over
If the third column from the left fills, your game will be over. At the Game Over screen, press to start over from the level where you lost.