The basic weapon. Nothing fancy, but it works. Can also destroy certain types of rocks.
Fire Sword
Best suited for the ice island of Hiya-Hiya.
Ice Sword
Best suited for the volcanic island of Boa-Boa.
Thunder Sword
Best suited for the aquatic island of Puka-Puka.
Crystal Sword
Best suited for the desert island of Sala-Sala.
Power Sword
You’ll need this to break through rocks that block your way on Fuwa-Fuwa.
Light Sword
The all-around best sword. Only available at the casino.
Throw these at Meanies from a distance.
Circles you with fireballs. The best weapon to use when you’re surrounded by Meanies.
Tried-and-true weapon of Master Higgins. Only available at the casino.
The old favourite of Master Higgins and stronger than the dagger. It’ll work well when fighting from a distance.
Comes in handy when clearing paths or digging to find treasure boxes. It can also be used as a weapon. Be careful, because you’ll be without armour and shield when you’re equipped with the shovel.
Fire Armor
Best suited for the ice island of Hiya-Hiya.
Ice Armor
Best suited for the volcanic island of Boa-Boa.
Aqua Armor
Best suited for the aquatic island of Puka-Puka.
Light Armor
The all-around best armour but only available at the casino.
Fire Shield
Like the fire sword and fire armour, works best on Hiya-Hiya.
Ice Shield
Like the ice sword and ice armour, works best on Boa-Boa.
Aqua Shield
Like the thunder sword and aqua armour, works best on Puka-Puka.
Light Shield
Like the light sword and light armour, the all-around best shield. Only available at the casino.