1 Player PuyoPuyo

The objective of Single PuyoPuyo mode (1 Player) is to battle CPU characters and gather the required amount of EXP to complete each floor of the tower. The tower has six floors, and each floor has several opponents. Your opponents will be randomly selected by a roulette wheel before each match, or you can stop the wheel early by pressing .

When the match is over, your current SCORE will be turned into EXP. Each floor of the tower is assigned a certain amount of EXP, and you must defeat at least one enemy and surpass the required EXP before you may proceed to the next floor of the tower.

If you don’t surpass the required EXP when you have defeated all the available enemies, then a boss character will appear. Be warned; even if you beat the boss, the game will end if you still cannot surpass the needed EXP!

While in Single PuyoPuyo mode, another player can challenge you at anytime to a Vs. match (Double PuyoPuyo) by pressing on their controller.