Game Screen

SCORE - This number shows how many points Boogerman has scored by defeating enemies, collecting items, and finishing levels.

NUMBER OF TRIES LEFT - This number indicates how many more Tries that Boogerman has left to complete the current level before he is returned to the start of the current world.

MILK POWER-UP - This Milk Bottle will be displayed when Boogerman has collected the MILK POWER-UP. This will allow Boogerman to do a more powerful mucous attack called a LOOGIE.

MUCOUS METER - This meter displays how much MUCOUS you have. MUCOUS is used for flicking BOOGERS and shooting LOOGIES. The meter will get smaller as Boogerman uses his mucous attacks.

CHILI POWER-UP - This Chili Pepper will be displayed when Boogerman has collected the CHILI POWER-UP. This will turn Boogerman's Gas Attacks to Fiery Attacks which are very powerful and even allows Boogerman to FLY.

GAS METER - This meter displays how much GAS you have. GAS is used for BURPS, FRRTS and to FLY. The meter will get smaller as Boogerman uses his Gas Attacks. NOTE: Flying uses a lot of GAS very quickly.

NUMBER OF PLUNGERS COLLECTED - This number indicates how many Plungers that Boogerman has collected. Collect 30 Plungers to earn an Extra Try at the end of each level.