To return an opponent’s shot, move close to the ball using and press or . Tilt left or right to adjust the direction of the shot. You can also perform different types of shot by pressing different buttons or combinations of buttons when hitting the ball.
Types of Shots
Press to hit a shot that has lots of topspin and a high trajectory. Press twice consecutively for a more powerful shot.
Press to hit a shot that has a low bounce and a low trajectory. Press twice consecutively for a more powerful shot.
Press then to lob the ball on a very high trajectory and aim at the back of the court.
Drop Shot
Press then to hit the ball on a very low trajectory and aim for the front of the court.
If a ball on a high
trajectory comes toward you, a star-shaped Smash Point will appear over the court. Press and at the same time over this point to hit the ball with a powerful smash.
Charge Shot
Press or after the opponent hits the ball to charge power, then hit the ball to perform a powerful Charge Shot. Your character will move more slowly while charging power. Press to stop charging power.
If you get close to the net and return your opponent’s shot before the ball bounces, you will hit the ball with a great amount of speed. But don’t do this on your opponent’s serve – the opponent will get a point if you hit the ball before it bounces.