
All skaters have six different statistical categories which determine how well they perform various game activities. The greater the number of stars by the statistical category, the higher the rating.

SPEED describes a skater's top velocity. The higher a skater's speed, the higher her top velocity.

ACCELERATION describes how quickly a skater can go from at rest to her top velocity. The higher the acceleration, the faster they reach top speed.

STRENGTH determines how powerful a hit a player can dish out, as well as how resistant they are to the hits of others.

STAMINA determines the length of time in which a player can sprint. A player can sprint as long as they have energy visible on their STAMINA bar. When no further energy is available, the player must cease sprinting and let their stamina recharge.

AGILITY describes how well a skater handles in the corners. The higher the agility, the better the handling.

FAN LOVE influences the quality of the powerups a skater is likely to receive. The higher the fan love, the better the chance to get a powerful powerup.

This game uses real-life skaters from member leagues of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association. Those skaters cannot have their statistics adjusted. You may adjust the statistics of your own custom skater by purchasing upgraded gear for your character.

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