Basic Play
Hit the ball back and forth across the net to your opponent. If your opponent can’t hit the ball back, you get 1 point. If you get 4 points first, you win one game. The same applies in the reverse if you miss a ball or hit it outside the play area.
If you win a fixed number of games, you win one set, and if you win a fixed number of sets, you win the match.

Note: The number of games, sets, and conditions to win vary according to the game mode and settings.

For the first three points, the scoring goes from 0 to 15, 30 and then 40. If one player gets to 40 before their opponent and then scores another point, they win.

If both players get to 40 the score is “deuce”. When this happens, a player can only win by scoring two points in a row. The next player to score a point has the “advantage”. If that player scores another point, they win, but if their opponent scores a point, the score returns to deuce.